Emergency Scenarios: How to Open Garage Doors and Gates
In emergency and evacuation scenarios, every second counts. It is essential to have a plan in place that includes safe evacuation from your home or business. If you lose power, you need to be prepared with the knowledge of how to open your garage door or gate quickly and efficiently. This is even more important in areas like ours that are prone to natural disasters like fires or earthquakes. In this blog post, we’ll discuss three key points to consider when in an emergency and evacuation scenario.
Manual Release of Mechanisms
Manual release cord
Garage doors and gates are typically powered by electric motors. In case of a power outage, these mechanisms will not function. Therefore, it is essential to know how to manually release the door or gate to gain access to or exit from the property.
Most garage doors and gates have a manual release mechanism that can be activated in case of a power outage. Typically, there is a rope or handle that hangs down from the motor, which can be pulled to release the mechanism. Once the mechanism is released, the door or gate can be manually lifted or pushed open.
If you have a vaulted garage (no other way in except through the overhead door), you will want to ensure your door has a vault release installed. The vault release has a cable that connects to the operator, allowing the user to manually release the overhead door using the key from the exterior of the garage during a power outage.
Many systems will have a special key to disable the motor, the actuators or access the control box. As a best practice, keys should be located and stored along with the manufacturer’s operation manual. Note that manually releasing the mechanism should only be done in an emergency or evacuation scenario. Attempting to manually release the mechanism at any other time can damage the system or cause injury.
Vault release in door
Battery Backup
One way to avoid having to manually release the mechanism is to install a battery backup system. Battery backups are designed to keep the motor running even in the event of a power outage. These backup systems can provide power for several hours, allowing enough time for evacuation or emergency responders to arrive.
Battery backup systems are available for both garage doors and gates. These systems can be installed by a professional, with some models designed to be DIY-friendly. As part of routine maintenance, the backup battery should be tested to ensure it is functioning correctly and replaced if needed.
Knox lock - located front of gate, typically on keypad
Knox Locks
Another option to consider is installing a Knox lock system. Knox locks are designed to be emergency access points for first responders. These locks can be installed on gates, garage doors, and even front doors. The locks are typically installed on the exterior of the property and are accessible through a Knox key.
In an emergency or evacuation scenario, first responders can use the Knox key to open the lock, gaining quick access to the property. Knox locks are ideal for commercial properties, gated communities, and apartment complexes. Installing Knox locks ensures that first responders can gain access to the property quickly and efficiently, potentially saving lives.
It’s crucial to have a plan in place for opening garage doors and gates in emergency and evacuation scenarios. Knowing these tips and taking the time to plan for these scenarios can make a huge difference in the safety and security of your family or colleagues.